In English

Robert Dussey : "Faure encourages freedom of thought"

"We know little about the advisers of the shadow and the power brokers of African leaders, because they rarely speak about their skills. Robert Dussey (photo), Diplomatic Adviser to the President of Togo, is an unusual man," states the monthly magazine New African (French version) on newstands in July, which publishes his interview.
Robert Dussey talks about his job as an advisor, the crisis that has shaken the Ivory Coast and Africa's inability to resolve the bloody conflict. "I regret that it is France, the former colonial power, who has done this instead of Africans themselves. I hope some of our leaders will learn from this crisis to avoid being accused of failure to resolve their problems," he says.
New African astonished by the outspokenness enjoyed by Robert Dussey at the post he occupies.
"Yes, I have a duty of confidentiality. If I allow this freedom of speech it is a sign that President Faure is open. It is transforming Togo. He accepted the thinking, encourages freedom of thought and allows the same in Togo, and in his own office, employees can contribute to the debate of ideas to enable the modernization of political life both inside and outside," says the colleague of President who has also written several political works.

Information additionnelle

New African July 2011.pdf


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